Shingles is a debilitating viral infection that causes a painful rash. The varicella-zoster virus, which also causes Chickenpox, is to blame. The virus can stay dormant in your nerve roots after you have had Chickenpox. Years later, it can reactivate as shingles.
Anyone who has had Chickenpox can get shingles. But your risk increases as you age. Other factors that increase your risk include:
The most common symptoms of shingles are rash and pain in a specific part on one side of the body called a dermatome. You may experience burning, tingling, or numb sensation in the affected area prior to the onset of rash.
The rash has vesicles/blisters that scab and eventually heal. It can appear on your torso, face, neck, scalp, or extremities.
People with Shingles can spread the Chickenpox virus to adults who have never had Chickenpox or young children who have not been vaccinated for Chickenpox.
Shingles can be prevented by a two dose vaccine. The vaccine is recommended for anyone over the age of 50. You can be proactive and schedule an appointment for the vaccine.
Shingles can be treated with antiviral medication and pain relievers. If you think you might have shingles, see a doctor right away.
Early diagnosis and treatment can help shorten the course of illness and prevent complications, such as post herpetic neuralgia, a chronic pain condition that can develop after shingles.
Our practice has the expertise required to diagnose and treat Shingles, and can provide you with the care you need.
Call us today for personalized care you deserve.
Based in Princeton-Plainsboro, New Jersey, Arunima Mamidi M.D. and team provides personalized medical care to their patients.
You will see the same doctor each time you visit.
Professor Jack Kaplan
Evan David Curry – Apr 07, 2021
KV in Jackson, NJ – May 30, 2017
Gerald Billups – Apr 14, 2020
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