
Common and Rare Infections

Based in Princeton-Plainsboro, New Jersey, Arunima Mamidi M.D. run a private  practice aimed at delivering personalized medical services to their patients.

You will see the same doctor every time you visit. 

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Travel Medicine

Infectious Diseases Specialists are also experts in Travel Medicine. People travel for holiday, business, adventure, visiting family/friends, religious/mass gatherings, and medical tourism. Travelers may encounter various infections specific to the areas/countries they visit. Malaria, typhoid fever, Dengue fever and dysentery (Traveler's diarrhea) are some of the examples. Prevention is of utmost importance in Travel Medicine. Travelers need awareness about potential exposure and advice on prevention and treatment. Some infectious diseases are rarely seen in the US and local physicians may be unfamiliar with those diseases; consulting an expert is very important. Some travel-related infections can be potentially life threatening and early diagnosis is required to prevent fatality.

People generally have questions about what vaccines or medications they need for travel. If you are traveling, you need to get all required vaccines at least two weeks prior to travel. Some countries require you to carry formal documentation of certain vaccines. Our practice can provide you with the necessary vaccines and advice to prevent travel-related infections.

If you suspect that you or a loved one may have contracted a travel-related illness, don't delay in contacting an infectious diseases physician for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Prosthetic Joint Infections

Artificial/Prosthetic joint replacements are performed commonly and successfully in large numbers across the world and improve quality of life for millions of people. The number of people with joint replacements continues to rise. Although only a minority of joint replacements get infected, PJI can be an enormous burden for patients as well as health care industry. A multidisciplinary approach is indicated and an accurate diagnosis and treatment of this condition is challenging. Assessing risk factors and prevention measures can improve outcomes. For management of infected prosthesis, surgery and antibiotic management are equally important and critical. Patients typically require several weeks of antibiotics for a cure and a specialist is needed to manage patient's care and outcome.

Don't delay in contacting an infectious diseases physician for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Mycobacterial Infections

Persistent cough, chest pain, difficulty breathing, lack of appetite, fever, night sweats, weight loss are some of the symptoms that could be indicative of a mycobacterial infection.

Mycobacterial infections are a group of illnesses caused by certain types of bacteria that primarily cause lung infection but can also affect various parts of the body. These infections can be severe and even life-threatening if left untreated. Tuberculosis is a major infection in this category and can cause disease in even young and otherwise healthy individuals born in endemic areas. Other mycobacteria are seen in patients with HIV and chronic lung conditions like COPD.

To properly diagnose and treat a mycobacterial infection, it is important to contact an infectious diseases specialist. They have the expertise and knowledge to determine the cause of your symptoms and provide the best course of treatment in Princeton Area, NJ.

Don't wait any longer, make an appointment with an infectious diseases specialist today and take the first step towards recovery.


Are you concerned about sexually transmitted infections (STIs)? Do you want to know how STIs are caused and how to protect yourself?

STIs are infections that are transmitted through sexual contact.

They can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites, and can have serious health consequences if left untreated. Some common STIs include Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes, Syphilis and HIV.

If you are at risk for STIs or have symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention from an infectious diseases physician.


Our practice has the expertise required to diagnose and treat STIs, and can provide you with the care you need.


Hepatitis refers to inflammation of the liver. This may result from infectious causes (viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic) or non-infectious causes (autoimmune, medications, alcohol, metabolic disorders). In USA, viral hepatitis is most commonly caused by Hepatitis A,B,C. Most viral hepatitides have no specific treatment. The hepatitides treated in out-patient setting are Hepatitis B and C. If untreated, they can lead to liver failure and even liver cancer.

Hepatitis A is transmitted by food and water. It is endemic in certain parts of the world. Symptoms include malaise, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, jaundice. Blood tests reveal elevated liver enzymes. It is the most preventable travel related illness. Hepatitis. A vaccine is available to prevent this infection. and must be taken 2 at least 2 weeks prior to travel. Call for appointment if you are traveling.

Hepatitis B (HBV) and Hepatitis C (HCV) can cause acute and chronic infection. Acute or new infection can may range from asymptomatic infection to subclinical infection.  Acute HBV infection may sometimes lead to fulminant liver failure. Many cases resolve over. a period of days to months. HBV infection is considered to have progressed to chronic infection when the virus is detected in the body after 6 months and there is lack of specific antibody formation. HCV is considered to have progressed to chronic infection when virus is detected in the body after 6 months.

There is oral antiviral therapy available for HBV and HCV. There are specific treatment guidelines. Treatment is effective in controlling HBV infection and its progression. HCV is curable in most cases.

Don't delay in contacting an infectious diseases physician for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.


Shingles is a debilitating viral infection that causes a painful rash. The varicella-zoster virus, which also causes Chickenpox, is to blame. The virus can stay dormant in your nerve roots after you have had Chickenpox. Years later, it can reactivate as shingles.

Anyone who has had Chickenpox can get shingles. But your risk increases as you age. Other factors that increase your risk include:

  • A weakened immune system
  • Certain medical conditions, such as cancer or HIV/AIDS
  • Taking medications that suppress your immune system, such as steroids

The most common symptoms of shingles are rash and pain in a specific part on one side of the body called a dermatome. You may experience burning, tingling, or numb sensation in the affected area prior to the onset of rash.

The rash has vesicles/blisters that scab and eventually heal.  It can appear on your torso, face, neck, scalp, or extremities. 

People with Shingles can spread the Chickenpox virus to adults who have never had Chickenpox or young children who have not been vaccinated for Chickenpox. 

Shingles can be prevented by a two dose vaccine. The vaccine is recommended for anyone over the age of 50. You can be proactive and schedule an appointment for the vaccine.

Shingles can be treated with antiviral medication and pain relievers. If you think you might have shingles, see a doctor right away.

Early diagnosis and treatment can help shorten the course of illness and prevent complications, such as post herpetic neuralgia, a chronic pain condition that can develop after shingles.

Our practice has the expertise required to diagnose and treat Shingles, and can provide you with the care you need.

Call us today for personalized care you deserve.

Source: CDC | https://phil.cdc.gov/Details.aspx?pid=4058

Protect Yourself From Infections During Travel

Travel Medicine Advice

Before you travel, enlist the help of Dr. Mamidi to ensure that you stay healthy on your trip. She will advise you on what preventative measures should be taken to protect yourself against infectious diseases that could be contracted, depending on where you are planning to travel.

Avoid picking up travel illnesses while working, studying, or vacationing overseas, by consulting with Princeton Infectious Diseases Associates, LLC ahead of time. The office will check on travel visit benefits with your insurance.

Travel Checklist

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Yellow Fever Contraindications Form

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General Questions Form For Travel

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