

Princeton Infectious Diseases  Associates, LLC specializes in treating all types of bacterial and viral infections, including Lyme Disease.

Based in Princeton, New Jersey, and treating patients throughout the surrounding areas, Dr. Arunima Mamidi runs a small practice aimed at delivering personalized medical services to their patients.

You will see the same doctor every time you visit. 

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Lyme Disease & Tick Bites

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Tick Bites: What to Do?

Remove the tick as soon as possible

1.Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin as you can.

2.Pull upward with steady, even pressure. Don’t twist or jerk the tick.

3.After removing the tick, clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol or soap

and water.

4.Dispose of the tick by flushing it down the toilet.

If you would like to bring the tick to your healthcare provider for identification, put it in rubbing alcohol or place it in a sealed bag/container.

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